Snoring Devices & Sleep Apnea Devices in North York

Dental Devices for a Better Night’s Sleep

Getting more sleep is a significant priority for many Canadians. For those who have sleep disorders such assnoring and sleep apnea keeping them up at night,it can be a challenge. The good news is thatthere are plenty of treatment options available, including oral appliances that can restore the air passages and lead to a full nightof sleep and better overall health.

CustomMade Oral Appliances for Sleep Disorders

Oral appliances can help reduce the negative effects of sleep disorders. People with these disorders tend to suffer from side effects, such as daytime sleepiness. These effects can impact your lifestyle and cause other health problems. In many cases, your dentist will recommend a custommade appliance that fits your mouth and is designed withyour specific needs in mind

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Sleep Disorders

Two of the most common sleep disorders that can betreated with oral appliance therapy are snoring and sleep apnea.


Snoring is the result of air being obstructed as it passes through your mouth, nasal passages, and throat while you sleep.The result is a vibration in the nearby tissue, which leads to the noise we all associate with snoring

Some of the most common factors that lead to snoring include:

  • Sinus issues
  • The shape of the roof of your mouth
  • The consumption of alcohol and tobacco
  • Colds or Allergies
  • Being overweight
  • Injuries that cause jaw misalignment
  • Age
  • Nose and throat conditions, such as enlarged tonsils or a deviated septum
    Sleeping position

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which patients start and stop breathing throughout the night. This is usually the result of relaxation in the muscles at the back of your throat. When these muscles relax too much, surrounding tissues such as the soft palate, tongue, and nasal passages also relax, which can cause the airway to narrow.

 A common sign of sleep apnea is waking up abruptly multiple times throughout the night. When the brain senses that the oxygen level in the blood is low, it wakes you up so that your air passages reopen. In most cases,the interruption to sleep is so short that you won’t remember waking up at all, but your sleep partner may.

Sleep apnea can interrupt normal sleep phases and prevent you from achieving deep sleep through out the night,which is why many people with the condition find themselves feeling sleepy throughout the day. Sleep apneais often linked to a variety of other illnesses and conditions, including diabetes and obesity. It can also have severe effects on the cardiovascular system, putting patients at risk of hypertension, strokes,and heartattacks. 

If you believe you have sleep apnea, your dentist can perform a variety of tests and examinations to check the tissues in your air passages. After that, a sleep study (at home or in a sleep clinic) may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis

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